
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Tina Aswani Omprakash. When Crohn’s disease derailed her career and educational goals 17 years ago, she rose from the ashes and celebrated her graduation this summer from the Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and gave the commencement address.
Her battle with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) rendered her unable to work until she mustered up the courage to pursue a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) and change careers.
Throughout her journey, Tina’s undergone more than 20 surgeries, had four near-death experiences, and today is passionate about advocating for the chronically ill and disabled.
Through her blog, Own Your Crohn’s, she welcomes everyone to “Own your Crohn’s. Own your IBD. Own your chronic illness and/or disability. Own everything that might not fit societal norms and give it a voice. Because what knocks us down can make us stronger, fiercer, and more united if we let it.”
Links from the show:
Own Your Crohn’s: https://ownyourcrohns.com/
South Asian IBD Alliance: https://www.southasianibd.org/
SAIA IBDesis: https://www.southasianibd.org/ibdesis/
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Flic Manning, author, radio broadcaster, speaker and entrepreneur with a flare for dance. She is a disabled and chronically sick human who built a successful twenty-year career as a dancer and choreographer while living with chronic invisible, incurable diseases.
She worked for business legends such as Gary Vaynerchuk and Lesley Gold in San Francisco, California, USA, while becoming a qualified wellbeing and holistic health expert. On her return to Australia, Flic founded Corethentic, a complete wellness system, and is an ambassador for Crohn’s & Colitis Australia, the Mental Health Foundation of Australia, and for FitRec DNA. She hosts “Brainwaves” on 3CR Melbourne—a show dedicated to the lived experience of mental health.
Flic has a range of qualifications spanning the brain, mind and body; from neuroplasticity, neurobiology, wellness coaching, mindfulness and holistic pain management to fitness and dance. She has written for magazines like OK!, has been featured on Ticker News and Broad Radio Australia, and is a popular speaker working with organizations like the YMCA and Vush.
Her memoir Living Human, which details the lessons she has learned living with invisible illness, is available accessibly in print, digital format, and audiobook and has been called a “Profound story of hope and resilience” by Jacinta Parsons, ABC Broadcaster. She will release her second book The Mind Symphony a book about the brain and body aspects of mindset soon.
Flic spends most of her time working to change the public perception of disabled and chronically sick people, and in her free time she can be found with her support dog Rocket and her husband by, or in, the ocean.
Links from the show:
Flic Manning: https://flicmanning.com
Corethentic: https://corethenticbody.com
Brainwaves: https://www.3cr.org.au/brainwaves
Living Human: https://flicmanning.com/books.html
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flicmanning
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Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Courtney Walls. She’s been an IBD warrior since 2006, and is passionate about sharing her story and experiences to help inspire others on their own journey.
She shares the ups and downs of life with IBD, showing that despite this illness, you can achieve your dreams.
Links from the show:
Healp Social Network, www.healp.co
Thought Catalog article, "What You Don't See"
Follow on Instagram: @courts_crohns_corner
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Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Enjoy this interview with “America’s Trusted Digestive Nutrition Expert” and celiac disease fighter, Tamara Duker Freuman. She’s been featured on Good Morning America, Inside Edition, CNN and many other media outlets.
She is a New York-based dietitian, whose clinical practice focuses on the dietary management of digestive and metabolic diseases. She is the author of "The Bloated Belly Whisperer," and has just released her second book, “Regular,” which addresses the many causes of — and treatments for — bowel irregularity, including a full chapter dedicated to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Links from the show:
Get the books on Amazon:
Regular: https://amzn.to/41xNETo
The Bloated Belly Whisperer: https://amzn.to/3oB53ft
Follow Tamara on social:
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Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Professor Ed Cohen who was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at age 13 and has now been living with IBD for over half a century. Crohn’s nearly killed him in his early 20s and the only outlook his doctors ever gave him was that the best he could hope for would be periods of remission.
Professor Cohen has spent his life in search of better health and is sharing what he’s learned over the years in his new book, “On Learning to Heal or, What Medicine Doesn't Know.” He draws on his 50 years of living with Crohn’s disease to consider how Western medicine’s turn from an “art of healing” toward a “science of medicine” deeply affects both medical practitioners and their patients.
Links from the show:
On the web: www.healingcounsel.com
Get the book: www.healingcounsel.com/publications/on-learning-to-heal
Schedule a 15-minute conversation to learn about Healing Counsel: www.healingcounsel.com/contact
View Professor Cohen's bio from Rutgers University and additional publications:
Rutgers: womens-studies.rutgers.edu/faculty/core-faculty/122-ed-cohen
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Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Katie Truscott-Howell who has been battling Crohn’s disease and celiac disease since she was 18. Her journey with IBD and celiac disease, combined with her passion and commitment to fitness and a healthy lifestyle, led her to start Katie’s Life Kitchen — UK’s only meal kit provider suitable for people who suffer with IBD, celiac disease, IBS, or gluten and dairy intolerances. In this episode, she shares her Crohn’s disease story and tips for balancing life with IBD.
Follow Katie’s Life Kitchen:
Support Katie as she races in the Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge to raise funds for Crohn's & Colitis UK: Donate here.
Enjoy the podcast? Help keep it going and send a little love ❤️https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stephgish
Shop all the things I love at: https://crohnsfitnessfood.com/shopping-list/
Want to share your story? Send me a message here.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Stephanie Lewis, a Crohn’s disease warrior who’s been battling IBD and other autoimmune diseases for most of her life and is passionate about helping women over 50 get their autoimmune and other inflammatory illnesses under control. She’s the creator of The Longevity Blueprint, is certified in training and nutrition, and is an NLP practitioner.
We talked about illness, surgery, hitting rock bottom in health, recovery, diet (from vegan to carnivore), NLP and more!
Though we covered a lot of topics, Stephanie shares these words with listeners, “the only thing I ever want to say to people is you're stronger than you think you are, and if you give up, you're not going to get any better.….and just being focused on where it is you want to be.”
Keep in touch with Stephanie Lewis (and follow her journey as she prepares for the strongman competition on October 7, 2023!):
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@shsb1979/about
Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_longevity_blueprint
Blog: the-longevity-blueprint.com
Learn more about The Longevity Blueprint: (470) 426-1959

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Enjoy this interview with Tony Berardo (www.theberardo.com), a Crohn’s disease warrior, video creator, and fellow podcast host of The Berardo Podcast, where he’s in pursuit of health, happiness, and good conversation!
Keep up with Tony:
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook @theberardo
Links to things we talked about:
Meet Cute Box www.meetcutebox.com
My Gardyn www.mygardyn.com (use code THEBERARDO for $75 off)
Tony’s recommended protein powder and more: www.amazon.com/shop/theberardo

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Interview with Brittany Blais, an IBD warrior who’s been living with Crohn’s disease for the past 12 years since she was 14. From medications and diets to fitness programs, she is passionate about health and wellness and is here to share her story. TikTok @brittanybrealtyfacebook.com/brittanyberealtyInstagram @remaxbrittanyblais

Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
In today's episode, Camille Parker shares her journey with Crohn's Disease. Diagnosed in 2012 as a high school student, she shares her experiences through college, marriage, and having her first child while managing and learning to live with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Following her passion for nutrition and desire to be in the health industry, Camille earned her bachelor's degree in exercise and wellness from Brigham Young University and became a certified personal trainer.
Ten years after her diagnosis, Camille has now combined her education, experience with IBD, and passion for helping others to start her own business, Be Well With IBD (and she donates 2% profits to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation!). She is focused on empowering women With Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis to live a healthy life. In addition to diet and fitness, Camille focuses on living her life with gratitude and finding the blessings in the curse.
Connect with Camille:www.bewellwithibd.com www.instagram.com/bewellwithibd/www.pinterest.com/bewellwithibd/_created/